The silent invaders enter our country daily. They are silent
because of their need to infiltrate unnoticed until they find succour with
their own kind.
As time passes they wheedle their way into positions of
influence on Town Councils and then on to becoming more influential in stronger
positions of power.
Now, today, we have an unstoppable flow of humanity, which
will change our country forever if allowed to continue. This will be a global
tragedy because the shining light of Great Britain will be extinguished by the
silent invaders who do not posses the ancient culture of our islands. I say
'tragedy' because Great
Britain has led the world for centuries and
will be sorely missed when the British pedigree of English; Irish, Scottish,
Welsh and Commonwealth nations are diluted into some kind of mongrel society that
the invaders crave.
'Political Correctness' is a tool; or should I say 'weapon'
with which to shape and bend our natural traits? I think more a weapon; a
weapon which silences our natural wont to argue when we know things are moving
in the wrong direction.
Our freedom of speech is threatened now more than ever
and our government needs to prepare for the coming verbal battles that will
transcend into becoming laws that will affect our children and their
descendants, thereby initiating the demise of our culture.
Part of William Shakespeare's work: